
Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Art of Halo 3: Rare Sold Out Book

Ever wondered how the ideas for Halo are put into the game? They usually start as drawings.

The Art of Halo 3 is a collection of concept art used for the production of Halo 3. It also includes a collection of commentary by numerous Bungie staff, and is written by Fernando Bueno.

In late 2008 or 2009, The Art of Halo 3 unknowingly went out of print making it an extremely rare collector's item. Online stores have an average low price of just over $200 with prices known to go well over $1000. On Amazon it's nearly 250$!

This is a picture on the early makings of Master Chief in Halo 3.

Question for readers:

Which Spartan do you like better in this picture; choose
1st, 2nd, or 3rd, and why?


  1. I'm probably the only person that hasn't played Halo 3...

    My choice is number 1, i like black :)

  2. I like the first one the best, just looks cool.

  3. I didn't even know this was out! Jesus, am I ever out of the loop. Going this afternoon to purchase. I'm exciiited!

  4. 1st one looks best. Ordered my halo yesterday :)

  5. looking forward to the next update...

  6. Ya'll nuts, the 2nd one is obviously the best one :>

  7. the fourth one is the best, he's just so wacko :>

  8. Cool! I love Metroid!

  9. Great post man, Really detailed! Hope to see more.

  10. 1st one, the third one's color scheme makes him look like a gundam

  11. How does everyone feel about Halo Reach? I'm considering purchasing it.

  12. in response to what brbgensokyo
    the third one reminds me of Gundam Heavyarms from Wing. That being said #3 all the way

  13. Same here, i'm hesitating. Is reach anything like ODST?

    Definitely number 2 though

  14. Reach is very very good, way better than ODST. ODST imo was just funding for reach =/

  15. the third one looks like he eats the two other ones for breakfast

  16. My favorite spartan is the one who kicks the guy into the well... but i bet that really messed up their drinking water for like months on end, unless they sent someone down there to clean up the mess...

  17. Number 3 simply because it looks sooo different then the master chief were so used to seeing. 2 looks too much like an ODST and 1 looks okay. Either way though, master chief is king!

  18. Today's the day I go out and try to find a copy!

  19. That's really neat.

    I choose spartan number two. Just looks more stealthy.

  20. seeing these reminds me of reach armors
